Don't you wish sometimes that God used e-mail? I know I do. I had two reminders today that God, however, does not use e-mail. We have two very dear friends that are on the verge of some significant life changes. The circumstances are different, but I am fairly certain that either one would appreciate an e-mail from God or any form of direct revelation for that matter would suffice.
I have been around long enough to know from personal experience that sometimes God might as well write it on the wall, His direction is so clear, and yet at other times you are left praying for clarity because you either have no clue what God is doing or what He wants you to do. It may be circumstances where like one of my friends where you have the green light to move forward, but you have no sense of God's direction either way. Or it could be like the other friend where you have clear direction, at least you think so, and then all of a sudden you experience huge road blocks or road closure all together.
I guess in both situations my counsel is that which has been offered to me in times like this. Trust God, and take the next step. And really, it's the first part that is the hardest. I think waiting on God is hardest because it involves control. If you are like me, you have a tendency to want to take the reigns. Few people enjoy where their lives are totally out of their control. And yet, that is where God wants us to stay. Even Paul had this issue. In 2 Corinthians 12, he was sharing about all the great things he had been afforded, and yet he hit a road block, he called it the thorn in his flesh.
Much speculation has been spent on what the exact thorn was, but the end result is the same regardless, "I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me." You see Paul learned what is so hard for most of us to realize, especially while we are in the midst of those times. God does His best work, when we have no other choice but to trust Him. Sometimes, the end result is His developing our character and learning to trust Him a little more.
Please don't think I have all this figured out, because I frequent those uncertain times when I am looking for clarity and God's direction in life's choices. But every time He brings me through, I have a new thing to look back on and say, "If God brought me this far, He'll get me through the next challenge." This is when the journey is so much more valuable than the destination.
i found it interesting "trust God and take the next step." These were the words my adult children said to me when I heard God in a still small voice calling me on the mission field - They each said from 3 different locations: "Mom, we have lived the last 17 years trusting God and taking the next step (i'm a single mom), So.. let's trust God and take the next step." it has taken me far away from the ones I love... But here with my love (God) i'm home.
On this matter, I have found the June 3 entry from Oswald Chambers' My Utmost For His Highest helpful:
...At first, we want the awareness of being guided by God. But then as we grow spiritually, we live so fully aware of God that we do not even need to ask what His will is, because the thought of choosing another way will never occur to us. If we are saved and sanctified, God guides us by our everyday choices. And if we are about to choose what He does not want, He will give us a sense of doubt or restraint, which we must heed. Whenever there is doubt, stop at once. Never try to reason it out, saying, "I wonder why I shouldn’t do this?" God instructs us in what we choose; that is, He actually guides our common sense. And when we yield to His teachings and guidance, we no longer hinder His Spirit by continually asking, "Now, Lord, what is Your will?"
Love you, brother.
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