Thursday, June 18, 2009

Walking with the Good Shepherd, pt 5

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows." (vs. 5)

A few weeks ago, my wife and I went to a conference / retreat in the DFW area where we were blessed to stay at the Great Wolf Lodge at a fraction of the cost. We had ample time to play at the indoor water park therein. In the center of the park was one of those huge buckets of water that is constantly filling and then dumping out 1,000 gallons of water on whomever happens to be lingering below. It reminded me of this verse as it is a great application.

First I ask, who is it that prepares this table? There is that "you" that keeps recurring in this text. The God of the universe is serving us! And where is He serving us? In the presence of our enemies! I remember when I was growing up, it gave me incredible sense of safety to eat lunch at school with big kids that liked me. None of the bullies would mess with me if I was hanging out with my befriended behemoths. So, spending time with the Good Shepherd has its benefits, especially when it comes to being around the ravenous wolves.

In the next part of the verse, David describes some of those benefits. "You anoint my head with oil..." this can be strange imagery to us in the 21st century, but in that time this usually was a symbol of two different things: healing and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Like the large bucket at the water park, we must constantly be connected to the steady stream of water of God's presence in His Spirit through prayer and time in His Word. As we do, we are constantly being refreshed and healed, but not only that, when we are being filled, our cup runs over and splashes out onto others.

Unfortunately, too many of us are trying to splash out on others when all we get is the trickle we get on Sunday mornings... if that much. If we long to make a real impact in our world, we must have that constant filling of the Spirit. " filled with the Spirit, " (Eph. 5:18) The verb phrase "be filled" is the command in this verse, and its tense literally means to constantly continue being filled. It is not a once and for all, but rather a continual process.

Is your cup being filled daily, or are you trying survive and minister with only the grounds left in the bottom of the cup. Your Good Shepherd has an incredible feast set before you daily in front of the Enemy. Come and get it!

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