My oldest, daughter, really struggles with fear. She has an amazing imagination, but that imagination causes her trouble sometimes, like being afraid of the dark, and it also prevents her from doing some fun stuff... like swinging on the one-rope swing.
I too have been struggling with fear: fear of the unknown, fear of failure, and fear of rejection. However, God has been teaching me lately that the child of God does not need to be afraid. Apparently this is a very common problem we all have and the Bible deals directly with this. The New American Standard version of the Bible mentions the words "fear" and "afraid" over 500 times, and many of those references include commands to individuals and groups to not be afraid. Why is that? Well, I believe that our fear comes from a lack of trusting God to the point of not obeying Him. In my reading through the Apostle John's letters, I read one verse that really speaks to this issue in my life. "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love." (1 John 4:18) Later, John describes this love that expresses itself in obedience to what God tells us to do. (cf. John 14,15; 1 John).
What God is showing me right now is that to grow in this area I must face my fears-- head on. When I do, it's amazing God takes care of the fear. He literally casts it out! Does that mean that nothing bad happens? No, but it helps us to stretch out a little bit more next time we are faced with fear, because God has shown us His faithfulness. It is not a fear issue, as much as it is a love issue. Do I love God more than I fear my circumstances?
Back to our swing story. Knowing the fun she was missing, I recently came along side Melody, and began encouraging her (aka forcing her :-D) to get on the single rope swing. She was afraid at first, even to the point of tears, but after a few times, she learned that her daddy loves her and was there with her. She is beginning to enjoy the new heights to which she can go. She is still hesitant, but her fear is being cast out by the result of her obedience. There is always a possibility she might fall, but she is learning that her daddy is near to pick her up when she does fall.
Sometimes facing our fears takes a little nudge from our Heavenly Daddy, but when we fall, it gives great peace knowing that our Father is there to pick us up when we do fall. Let's take a step, grab the rope put our heads back and swing!
God has been convicting me lately (over several months) that my controlling nature and pack-rat tendencies are actually based in fear and failure to trust. As I read the verse in I John you quoted, it hit me that when I fear, God cannot perfect me in love. He wants to love me & take care of me, but I won't let him. Wow! I'm really missing out!
That's true Carol. When I look at the apostles and patriachs of the faith in what they faced, how far off the mark I am! Thanks be to God for His grace and mercy.
Tony,Jill and girls,
We are doing great. And yes we serve a awesome God. When you see His creation and see how in awe people are and yet they don't believe that there is a God and refuse to take Jesus as their Lord and Savior it is amazing. Jim and I have found some wonderful churches along the way. Great to hear from you I check your blogs and know that God is dong a great work in your lives.
I love how you can take an everyday circumstance and learn a lesson from it-- God is so gracious to teach you in this way! You are a wonderful Dad being taught by a loving Father! Love, Annette
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