There may be something seriously wrong with me. This afternoon, I had two individuals walk all over me, poke their finger in my chest and spit upon me. To tell you the truth, I rather enjoyed it. At first when you consider it, it might turn your stomach or cause great anger, and yet, it did not do so with me. It was an experience that I will log as one that I can look back on and cherish when I am old, should the Lord tarry.
Am I a sick man? Am I a deviant? Perhaps, and perhaps that is a question best answered by those who are closest to me. And yet, as with many things in life, context is the key. we have a popular phrase that captures the essence of this sentiment: "You just had to be there!"
Now for the context. This past week was VBS week, and I spent no less that 13 hours at the church every day since Sunday. With late night and early early mornings since, I was exhausted. I lay down for a short nap and didn't wake up until almost four hours later. It was a time of refreshing for me. I probably could have slept longer, but Jill woke me, and she was soon joined by my two daughters who climbed on the bed and crawled and walked all over me. This was followed by Selah finding fascination with my navel thrusting her finger therein and her older sister jabbing her finger into my armpits trying to tickle me. Selah then began kissing me, which if you you have received a kiss from a toddler lately, they are anything but a dry. I am a truly rich man. . .
But I guess you just had to be there!
Am I a sick man? Am I a deviant? Perhaps, and perhaps that is a question best answered by those who are closest to me. And yet, as with many things in life, context is the key. we have a popular phrase that captures the essence of this sentiment: "You just had to be there!"
Now for the context. This past week was VBS week, and I spent no less that 13 hours at the church every day since Sunday. With late night and early early mornings since, I was exhausted. I lay down for a short nap and didn't wake up until almost four hours later. It was a time of refreshing for me. I probably could have slept longer, but Jill woke me, and she was soon joined by my two daughters who climbed on the bed and crawled and walked all over me. This was followed by Selah finding fascination with my navel thrusting her finger therein and her older sister jabbing her finger into my armpits trying to tickle me. Selah then began kissing me, which if you you have received a kiss from a toddler lately, they are anything but a dry. I am a truly rich man. . .
But I guess you just had to be there!
1 comment:
Ah, slobbery kisses and tickle fights - I too am blessed. These are but for a season and so I cherish every one - even if I do need a towel afterward :)
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