Monday, July 14, 2008

A Love Letter...I Choose You!

July 14, 2008

Dear Jill,

I can’t believe it has been 18 years. I would have never dreamed that anyone would have put up with me for 18 years. Sometimes, I don’t even think I want to be around myself that much. And then I stop and think about what we did 18 years ago, without fully realizing it. We made a commitment to each other. “To have and to hold,” “for better for worse,” “in sickness and in health,” “till death us do part.” What it all comes down to is a choice to love each other. Because sometimes, I know I am not so loveable. Sometimes, I don’t feel so warm and fuzzy around you. Sometimes, I deliberately do selfish and say hurtful things. But you chose to love me, in the best time and the not so glamorous, and I have chosen to love you the same. It is no surprise we had some folks, along the way, say that we wouldn’t make it. But just as you chose to love me in spite of, I choose to love you in spite of.

18 years is a long time, and yet I am still getting to know you. Each stage of life brings a new set of challenges and a new set of opportunities to trust God. Really, with all the things that we have faced, it really doesn’t’ surprise me that marriages fall apart. But two things have kept us together. Our love for God through a relationship with Jesus and our choosing to love one another.

Thank you for an awesome adventure in life. I know that our life has not turned out how we expected, but whose has? All I know is that I wouldn’t trade the world, and all it offers, to do it over again with someone else.

Thank you for loving me through it all. I love you, Jill. I always will.

Happy Anniversary!


Jennifer said...

Oh...that was such a sweet letter! And that picture...I love it! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!

Dr. Garrett Starr said...
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Dr. Garrett Starr said...

Hey! Who are those skinny little goombah's? LOL! I am twice the man I was when I got married. I must have had Ebola or something back then, but hey, I kicked anorexia's butt!

As For Me and My House said...

Tony-- thanks for writing this letter to Jill-- I know it must mean so much to her to hear you say these words. YOu are a faithful friend and loving husband. (And a really fun dad I would bet!) Love ya lots! A