Sunday, September 9, 2007

Until "Life" Do Us Part?

"There is not one marriage in today's culture that is not vulnerable. Why? Because we've allowed the culture to seep into our souls. ... Clearly we can no longer pattern our marriages after the people around us -- if we ever could. Not only does the world not know how to divorce-proof its marriages, it is well on the way to making broken relationships the norm!"
-- Dr. Fred Lowery


jhh said...

I saw this quote recently. My thought was, "Divorce-proof?" If you'll permit me for a moment to mingle love with marriage (with apologies to Frank Sinatra) I'm reminded of what C. S. Lewis said: "There are only two places where one is safe from the dangers and risks of love. One is heaven, because there is no danger; the other is hell, because there is no love." Because we live in this fallen world, the best thing we can do for our marriages is to place them in the capable hands of God and pattern them after Jesus' loving relationship with His bride, the church.

Love you, brother.

Dr. Garrett Starr said...

Sobering quote. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

Soooo True.