Thursday, February 4, 2010


It has been rainy and cold here. God has blessed us with an abundance of rain in recent months, and coming out of a drought, that is a very good thing. The ground is now so saturated with water, our yard squishes when you walk on it. Now, while it lends it self to messy shoes, I know that it is really good for the land which has been so thirsty.

I don't think it is any coincidence that I found myself in Psalm 42 this morning. The first couple verses really speak to where I am these days, "As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; when shall I come and appear before God?" I am okay, but just the busyness of life and being pulled in so many different directions and much on my mind, I am feeling very dry and barren. My "deep" calls to the Lord's depth again.

David records in Psalm 23 that when we walk with the Lord, He fills our cup to overflowing. If you have ever tried to walk with a full cup to the brim, it splashes out, on the floor. Just the motions of walking slowly causes the fluid to swirl and spill out. That is God's desire for us. To be so filled with Him, that we are squishy and spill on to everything and everyone around us with the simple slow motions of life.

That was my prayer today, that he make me squishy again.